
[转帖] 美国研究队伍寻找G点失败


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US researchers have concluded that there's little evidence to support the existence of the legendary Gräfenberg Spot - a bundle of nerves located in the front wall of the vagina which can supposedly cause the earth to move.


The team - led by urologist Dr Amichai Kilchevsky ofYale-NewHavenHospital- trawled "clinical trials, meeting abstracts, case reports, and review articles" published between 1950 and 2011, to identify "any valid objective data" indicating women really do have a turbo button.

该队伍由耶鲁纽黑文市医院的泌尿科医师Amichai Kilchevsky博士带领,他们收集了在1950年到2011年间的“临床诊断、会议摘录、案例报告和综述文章”,以鉴定出其中究竟有哪些有效客观数据能指出女性的确有这样一个涡轮增压器按钮存在。

The researchers' abstract - published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine - explains: "The literature cites dozens of trials that have attempted to confirm the existence of a G-spot using surveys, pathologic specimens, various imaging modalities, and biochemical markers.


"The surveys found that a majority of women believe a G-spot actually exists, although not all of the women who believed in it were able to locate it.


"Attempts to characterize vaginal innervation have shown some differences in nerve distribution across the vagina, although the findings have not proven to be universally reproducible.


"Furthermore, radiographic studies have been unable to demonstrate a unique entity, other than the clitoris, whose direct stimulation leads to vaginal orgasm."


The sobering conclusion is that there's no "strong and consistent evidence for the existence of an anatomical site that could be related to the famed G-spot".


This finding backs a previous study by a King's College London team, who argued that the G-spot "may be a figment of women's imagination, encouraged by magazines and sex therapists".


They asked 1,800 women, all of them identical or non-identical twins, if they had a G-spot, on the assumption that "if one did exist, it would be expected that both identical twins, who have the same genes, would report having one".


However, the result was that "the identical twins were no more likely to share a G-spot than non-identical twins who share only half of their genes".


Team member professor Tim Spector said: "Women may argue that having a G-spot is due to diet or exercise, but in fact it is virtually impossible to find real traits.

研究队成员之一的Tim Spector说:“女士们可能会争辩说G点的形成是与饮食习惯和运动有关的,但事实上这是没可能找到任何实质证据的”

"This is by far the biggest study ever carried out and shows fairly conclusively that the idea of a G-spot is subjective."


That two investigations have now thrown the G-spot into doubt is unlikely to impress the French. When King's College published its findings, gynaecologist Odile Buisson insistedthat the results proved nothing more than we poor Brits were incapable of finding the G-spot in the 60 per cent of women who are indeed blessed with a vaginal pleasure switch.

这两个研究似乎并不能得到法国人的认同。当皇家学院发表它的发现时,法国妇科医生Odile Buisson坚持说这个发现除了证明那可怜的英国男人在60%拥有阴道快感开关的女人身上找不到G点外,什么也证实不了。

Surgeon Pierre Foldes chipped in with: "The King's College study shows a lack of respect for what women say. The conclusions were completely erroneous because they were based solely on genetic observations. It is clear that in female sexuality there is a variability. It cannot be reduced to a yes or no or an on or off." ®

外科医生Pierre Foldes插嘴说:“皇家学院的研究表现出缺乏对女性想法的尊重。它的结论是完全错误的,因为它只是单纯地基于基因上的观察。一个清晰的事实就是,在女人的性事方面存在变化性,这是不能还原为有或无、开与闭的简单问题.

  • tingtingxx 金币 +6 你的帖子比较受欢迎 2012-4-9 23:36


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